Mission & Purpose

Our Focus 

Professional Development Programs that strengthen the skills of Black coaches and teachers specifically, and non-Black S&D coaches, teachers, principals, school board members more broadly; 

Information Sharing around innovative instructional and learning strategies that have proven successful in motivating black youth and increasing culturally competent learning environment;

Research and Diversity (R&D) programs produce projects that identify educational practices that demonstrate excellence in the school performance of Black folks. ABAP is committed to building a relevant, impactful and sustainable resource for black argumentation professionals

To that end, ABAP seeks to: 

  • Promote and facilitate the education of all S&D coaches, with a particular focus on Black coaches;
  • Establish a coalition of Black coaches, administrators and other professionals directly and indirectly involved in the S&D process;
  • Create a forum for the exchange of ideas and strategies to improve opportunities for Black coaches and students;
  • Identify and develop Black professionals who will assume leadership positions in S&D programs and influence education policy concerning the black S&D participants.

ABAP’s compelling mission and purpose are achieved through three primary areas of focus:

  • Professional Development Programs that strengthen the skills of Black coaches and teachers specifically, and non-Black S&D coaches, teachers, principals, school board members more broadly; 
  • Information Sharing around innovative instructional and learning strategies that have proven successful in motivating black youth and increasing culturally competent learning environment;
  • Research and Diversity (R&D) programs produce projects that identify educational practices that demonstrate excellence in the school performance of Black folks. 

ABAP Focus 

ABAP Matters (Relevant)

ABAP must make sure that it maintains relevance. As the frequency of “Black Coaches” rises we have to be intentional about the support we provide. ABAP serves a unique role in organizing professional development opportunities, networking, teaching seminars and diversity initiatives aimed at increasing Black advancement. 

Black Coaches Matter (Impactful)

ABAP must engage Black Coaches. From Individual Events (IE) to British Parliamentary (BP) to Policy Debate there has been a drastic increase in the number of Black Coaches. ABAP must position itself to provide support to all Black Coaches regardless of their S&D event and influence the policy supporting their event. 

The Collective Matters (Sustainable)

ABAP must remain relevant. We must address 21st Century issues with 21st Century solutions. As the world continues to be more fragmented, we have to find a pathway for providing support for Black coaches, administrators, graduate assistants, judges and students. We are continually experimenting with new and innovative strategies to increase accessibility, accountability and authenticity. 

In doing so we aim to cultivate inclusive learning environments across the country and a community poised to help all students succeed. From annual conferences, to workshops and being a resource, we are dedicated to the advancement of diverse coaches and educators.